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Mission Statement

Reading with Kemba (RWK) aims to support parents that need assistance with motivating their children to read. This educational virtual learning experience will include interactive read-along narrations and FUN, creative movement dance videos. RWK's goals are to teach children the importance of reading books, learning multiple languages, and storytelling.

About Me

Kemba Barnes Headshot.jpg

My original vision was to use my platform to show how I can tell stories by making my voice sound like cartoon characters. Now, I am slowly but surely learning how to operate my business as a storyteller that promotes "positive representation" children's books.


In the future, I will provide audiobook readings for more book genres. I started my business on May 13, 2020. I still have a lot to learn, and I am excited to build my network. 

Kemba Barnes


Reading with Kemba


Artist: Narrator, Voice Over, Director, Choreographer, & Dancer.



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